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PCOD or PCOS is a polycystic ovarian disease and can affect any woman between 18 to 45 years age group. PCOD is very common now a days and one out of ten woman's seem to have affected by this diseases. Usually it is diagnosed with USG or serum testo
View DetailsPCOS – A Common Concern for Women’s Health: Know the Symptoms and Ayurvedic TreatmentPCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is a common hormonal disorder affecting 1 in every 5 women in India. This condition can lead to several challenges such as irregul
View DetailsAyushman Bhava Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic is one of the famous Ayurved clinics across the Nashik city. The clinic was established in 2012. The clinic has provided authentic & result-based Ayurveda therapy with the best outcome in the IBs, Digest
View DetailsUnderstanding PCOS and Its TreatmentMany women face a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), which affects one out of every ten women. PCOS can affect women as young as 18 and as old as 44. There are best and natural ways to manage an
View DetailsAyurveda Tips for Relieving Cervical SpondylosisCervical spondylosis, commonly known as osteoarthritis of the neck, is a degenerative condition affecting the cervical spine due to age-related changes in the cushion between the neck joints and bones
View DetailsShirodhara therapy is beneficial for reducing physical and mental stress. Find out what is Shirodhara Therapy and its benefits. Have You Ever Heard about Shirodhara treatment/ Therapy? In Ayurveda, this therapy is used to reduce physical and mental
View DetailsThe Ayurvedic Perspective on Intermittent Fasting by Dr.Yogesh Chavan In the world of health and well-being, a practice called intermittent fasting (IF) is making waves. This method involves alternating between times when you eat and times when you d
View DetailsFinding Relief for Leg Pain with Ayurveda at Ayushman Bhava Ayurveda Panchkarma ClinicLeg pain is a common issue that can disrupt your daily activities and overall quality of life. Whether it’s due to long hours of standing, intense workouts, or un
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