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What is PCOD? PCOD/ polycystic ovarian disease is a lifestyle condition that affects the way in which your body produces and uses hormones. Hormones are chemicals that your body makes to regulate different functions in your body. In PCOD, your body is not able to produce enough of certain hormones(testosterone), and/or the body doesn’t use the hormones it does make properly. PCOD usually appears in women between 20 and 35 years of age. It is not life-threatening, but it is a chronic condition with symptoms that can last for years. The most common symptoms are painful periods, excess hair on the face and body, weight gain, fatigue, bloating and tender breasts. Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD It has to be managed by a doctor with diet, exercise, and someAyurvedic treatment. It is a disorder in which one or more ovaries are enlarged with cysts. Ayurvedic Treatment plan for PCOD Ayurveda recommends Virechana ( Detoxification) , Nasya , Shirodhara and uttarabasti for PCOD along with Diet and lifestyle modification . Weight loss and its management for PCOD women with excess weight The excess adipose tissue in obese patients creates the paradox of having excess androgen and estrogen. Loosing just 5-10% of the weight helps to regularize the cycles. We have best Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD/ PCOS. We have managed many girls/ women suffering from PCOD. for More Information or Ayurvedic Treatment of PCOD visit clinic. You can also book appointment on- www.ayushmanbhavayurveda.com